Senior ACT resources

We strongly believe that all your students – not just the ones studying the IB Diploma Programme – should benefit from the wonderful ideas, thinkers, and issues that we explore within the TOK course.

So we’ve adapted our pioneering resources for TOK to make them deliverable to any student, regardless of their programme. Use the resources to develop authentic critical thinking, link subjects to the real world, and support students creating final products such as the EPQ.

Access the ACT resources for senior students

Click on the buttons below to take you to our ACT teaching and learning resources for students aged 17 – 19 years. If you have any questions about our memberships, workshops, and other TOK support services, don’t hesitate to get in touch at To become a member of the site, follow this link.

The ACT teaching and learning pathway

Placing ACT at the heart of what we do creates a learning pathway represented by the diagram below. We begin with resources for primary learners (now being introduced), move onto the middle years resources which we update each month, and culminate in either our resources for the TOK course, or if your students are following a different educational programme (such as A-Levels or the AP), the senior ACT resources.

All our resources are incredibly flexible, and can be plugged into any educational programme. Deliver our full-length ACT courses in timetabled lessons, run our mini-lessons in PSE classes, use our extension resources such as Investigating Issues to fill your EPQ or HPQ slots, or offer your students our ‘Knowledge Journeys’ in optional extension classes outside of the usual timetabled day – it’s entirely up to you.

Join us to deploy the ACT continuum

Members have access to a huge range of ACT & TOK resources, including classroom-ready courses, TOK and ACT newsletters, TOK and ACT mini-lessons, Investigating Issues, TOK Padlets, 12 Key Concepts, and many more engaging, innovative resources!

Join in seconds via this page, and set up your whole school with a resource that will help you to become a hub of authentic critical thinking.