The mini-lessons enable you to develop authentic critical thinking, run meaningful PSE sessions, deliver relevant and up-to-date Global Perspectives lessons, and provide material to help students carry out extended projects.
They’ll also help develop to prepare learners for the IB Diploma, A-Levels, or other final high school programmes. See our definition for this subject area here.
Join us to access the mini-lessons!
The mini-lessons enable you to develop authentic critical thinking, run meaningful PSE sessions, deliver engaging Global Perspectives lessons, and help students carry out extended projects such as the HPQ.
They’ll also prepare learners for the IB Diploma, A-Levels, or other final high school programmes. Check out the sample mini-lessons below; to access all of them, every month, become a member.

Help your learners to exit their echo chambers!
Our online and in-person workshops offer the usual support for students writing the essay and exhibition, and TOK departments designing great courses.
But our training sessions go much further than this: by focusing on authentic critical thinking, they demonstrate how to help learners confront, rather than confirm, their biases and assumptions, and exit their echo chambers. This makes them accessible and relevant for all teachers, whatever their subject or programme. Read more here.